Middle School Presents "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

"A Midsummer Night's Dream" was staged by the Middle School boys on November 20, with another performance planned tonight, November 21, at 7:00 pm in the Browning Theatre (a.k.a. The Lower Gym). This year, 11 boys team up with three Brearley girls to present this magical comedy. Melissa House returns this year as the production’s director, ably assisted by Elizabeth Simmons; sets were created by Susan Beaubien.

Ms. House noted, "I chose this play for the Middle School because it is such a fun play, and it deals with a lot of fascinating themes, such as power, love and magic. The set utilizes technology to connect the digital age with the classical language of Shakespeare. Projections on three screens, combined with some smaller specially built set pieces, transport the audience to Athens and the surrounding woods. The costumes will be simplified tunics that blend Athenian and Shakespearean styles of the time."

The boys had this to say about the production:
"My first year in the play has been really fun, and more people should try out!"
"A great experience in working together!"
"It has been really fun, and now this is my favorite after-school activity. Stay Midsummer Night's Dreaming Friends!" 
"Being in the play has been a wonderful experience and I encourage the rising fifth graders to audition." 
"Enchanting and magical." 
