April Assemblies Inform and Inspire

Fresh from Spring Break, Browning boys and teachers attended assemblies that proved informative and inspirational. Michael Tribe, a partner with the architectural firm Peter Gisolfi Associates, was a special speaker at the Lower School Assembly on April 3. He addressed the boys and explained the many renovations currently taking place around the School. Mr. Tribe described the ultimate benefits of this construction, accompanied by Lower School Head Laurie Gruhn who elaborated on what to expect in the coming months.

The next day, Middle School boys were updated on the same topic by Head of Middle School Chris Dunham who emphasized that the “flow” of traffic through the building will be the most notable improvement thanks to the addition of a light-filled center staircase. Other speakers that morning included Athletic Director Andrew West ’92, who spoke about upcoming field days and the fact that Middle and Upper School boys will compete in separate events this year.

Fifth grade teacher Dan Ragsdale and Middle School Council members explained the inaugural “CitizenChip” Initiative which will promote the ideals of the Citizenship Awards presented at the end of each school year: The objective of the CitizenChip Initiative, which will run from April 7 through May 16, is to acknowledge and reward students for displaying the qualities of a good Browning citizen, including promptness, neatness, respect, scholarship, sportsmanship, integrity and cooperation. Every Middle School faculty member will receive a few CitizenChips, each of which can be distributed to any Middle School boy who is “caught” in the act of being an exceptional citizen. The winning grade will receive a special treat to be determined by Mr. Dunham.

Finally, Mr. Dunham showed a video clip of an eighth grade Pittsburgh, Pa., boy who has advised the U.S. Government Printing Office on how to save money by changing the font it uses from Times New Roman to Garamond. Mr. Dunham told Browning boys that they, too, might aspire to apply their scientific knowledge in such a way.
