Upper School Delegates Well Prepared for Forthcoming Model UN Trip

From January 30 through February 2, History Department Chair Gerald Protheroe and a delegation of 20 Browning boys will attend the 30th session of the Ivy League Model United Nations Conference (ILMUNC) hosted by the International Affairs Association at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Kevin Dearinger, English teacher, will also accompany the delegates. ILMUNC is often referred to as “the premier Model United Nations conference for high school students.” Browning boys will gather with students from around the world to participate in a weekend of debate, learning and problem-solving. The boys have been placed on a number of committees with topics as diverse as “Preventing an Arms Race in Space” to “International Regulation of Human Cloning.”

During an Upper School Assembly on January 10, Dr. Protheroe and a number of the boys described the process leading up to their trip, including applying for a seat on the Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary General, which is a crisis committee and quite selective. Dr. Protheroe noted, “Model UN is a great experience for boys interested in international affairs. ILMUNC is based on the United Nations which was formed in 1945. There are some who argue that it is irrelevant, but one can argue that we’re sitting here safely today because of the UN. And in terms of subject matter, if we were to enter into another world war, it would be important to know why.” He said that a successful Model UN delegate will need to know the issues, have knowledge of Parliamentary procedures and be able to research and write well. Dr. Protheroe said the event is an opportunity to meet all sorts of people from different countries in formal and more casual settings.

At the conclusion of the assembly, Upper School Head Jim Reynolds advised the boys to take their global citizenship seriously and be aware of what’s going on in the world. “Pick up a newspaper and follow an issue,” he said. “Even if you are not part of Model UN, you need to be aware.” He then addressed the boys attending Model UN, stating, “Best of luck, and thank you for your energy and effort in representing The Browning School.”
