2016 Varsity and Middle School Cross Country


I was very pleased with the great spirit demonstrated by the boys starting with the preseason camp in Lenox, Mass. Over the season, the team showed serious improvement.  A highlight of the year was the team spirit. Most of the boys learned that to assure top individual and team performances, they must start training during summer vacation and follow a weekly training calendar.

It is always a pleasure to meet with the boys in Central Park, to see them improving and, more importantly, to know each of them better. I am very confident that with additional Middle and Upper School boys, this young and promising team will continue growing in the future and achieve the results they are capable of.

--Coach Dominique Bernard


The 2016 season boasted some of the team’s best times yet, with the team growing to nine runners from Forms I and II. Eric Sigg and Christian Kim were able and spirited co-captains whose dedication, reliability and enthusiasm benefitted not only their own team but also the varsity runners.

Form II’s aptly named Carter Rocket-Munk and Form I’s Andrew Naber consistently finished in the top 10 at the meets. Gavin Mitchell, John Harrison, Khai Shulman and Jonathan Stephenson each saw their speed, endurance and standing improve over the course of the season. Blake Sanford saw the most improvement in his times and carried home the Most Improved Player award. The runners are primed and ready for the Winter Running Club and spring’s track season. The older boys will make excellent additions to Coach Bernard’s varsity cross country team next year.

--Coach John Young

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